Assalamualaikum kum kum……(aq bru tgk citer antu kum kum) hehehe….
mempersembahkan header yg xasing lgi!!!!
Assalamualaikum belogger2…..
My xtraordinary sniper was aim 3 xtraordinary Blogger!!!
nk join x??? kelik je kat header cik wanie kt atas 2, ala...yg kaler pink 2, kt cini pn bley ;D
Maksud Wordless Wednesday : Pada hari rabu, semua blogger post gambar di blog mereka tanpa meletakkan apa2x description untuk explain gambar tersebut, biar gambar yang menceritakan tanpa korang letak apa2x penjelasan :)
official blog : http://malaysianww.blogspot.com/
P/S: nie 1st time aq join #WW nie ;D
Tuhan menjadikan kite berbeza-beza,
Tapi Tuhan jadikan cinta supaya kita bersatu.
Wanita jangan bilang dia cantik,
Tapi bilang dia sangat cantik.
Wanita dijadikan atas nama cinta,
Kalau kita cari mesti jumpa.
Tapi jumpa yang macam mana?
Kita yang membuat pilihan.
Keindahan wanita tak siapa yang tahu,
Tapi yang pasti dia tetap indah.
Penantian ini pasti akan membuahkan hasil,
Cinta tak datang kalau tidak di cari.
Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven?
Would it be the same
If I saw you in heaven?
I must be strong
And carry on,
'Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven.
Would you hold my hand
If I saw you in heaven?
Would you help me stand
If I saw you in heaven?
I'll find my way
Through night and day,
'Cause I know I just can't stay
Here in heaven.
Time can bring you down,
Time can bend your knees.
Time can break your heart,
Have you begging please, begging please.
Beyond the door,
There's peace I'm sure,
And I know there'll be no more
Tears in heaven.
Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven?
Would it be the same
If I saw you in heaven?
I must be strong
And carry on,
'Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven.
'Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven.
1. They end 9 out of 10 sentences with Ekkk… Ekk ialah trademark orang Johor. Digunakan di hujung SETIAP ayat menggantikan tanda soal (question mark). Contoh :- Ni awak punyer ekk? Nama awak saper ekk? Kenapa kite kaler tak cantik ekk ? Dan macam-macam ekk lagi. Aku teringat semasa aku sekolah dulu, aku dan member sebelah aku boring yang amat di dalam kelas, so to keep us awake, kami dok mengira berapa kali Cikgu sebut ekk. In a period of 40 minutes, dekat 100 kali! Lepas tu kami gelarkan Cikgu tu as Cikgu Fadzillah* Ekk. (*bukan nama sebenar).
2. They refer to Johor Bahru as Johor and not JB. Kalau orang di negeri Johor sebut Johor, it meant Johor Bahru (JB), the city dan bukan Johor, the state. Biasa digunakan oleh mereka yang tinggal di luar Bandar Johor Baru seperti di Masai- chusettes umpamanya. Contoh : Beb, gua nak turun Johor laa. Lu mahu ikut gua tak? So, if you ARE already in Johor, tak kira di daerah mana – if the locals kata nak pergi Johor, it means nak ke Johor Bahru. Jangan pulak buat lawak bongok** berkata, ” Eh, lu kan dah ada kat Johor?” Or worse, jangan memandai nak tambah ekk with that question.
3. They pronounce Muar as MUOR. (kena juih bibir sikit) In fact you pronounce everything that ends with “AR” as “OR”. Contoh : Aku kena pakai seluor besor untuk main bola kat Bandor Muor besok. (Aku kena pakai seluar besar nak main bola di Bandar Muar besok). Aku teringat Kakak tegur aku bila aku cakap macam tu. Kenapa Mama sebut besar, BESOR ? Slipper , SLIPPOR ? Aku tergelak. Aku Cuma speak like that bila berjumpa dengan true blue Johorean aje. Lapo (lapar), penampor (penampar), ulor (ular), pagor (pagar) dan lain-lain.
4. They are brash with a CRAZY sense of humour. Honestly, I belum pernah jumpa orang Johor yang serious or square to a T. Or cannot take a joke. Walaupun pendiam atau pemalu , but their sense of humour boleh tahan gak. Almost all of them (yang aku jumpa dan kenal lah) are either loyar buruk or bigor **. Baik di kampung mahu di Bandar. The sense of humour is unique that I find kadang-kadang orang luar (non-Johorean) agak takut with the brashness of budak-budak Johor. (Did you see Majalah 3 the other night – see how Tunku Yem (nama manja Tunku Mahkota Johor) bercerita pasal anakanda dia Tunku Ismail ? Haha…. that is exactly my point!).
5. Diorang ada ENDUT **. Kalau tak pernah berendut, sure pernah ada endut or busuk-busuk pun teringin nak ada endut. Contoh ayat : Haa…kau dah ada endut yer ? Kau pergi berendut kat mana ? Orang berendut dia pun nak berendut.
6. Diorang Makan Gula Tarik, Sagun, Gula Kandy, Bobotok….Dah lama aku tak tengok atau makan gula tarik, sagun or kandy. Ada lagi ke bebenda ni kat Johor ? Aku tak boleh nak describe dengan teliti these things cos it has been 30 years since I last tasted them. Seperti Kak P cakap – makanan seperti botok botok. Kalau out of Johor, botok-botok dikenali dengan nama PAIS IKAN. Jangan tanya aku how to describe the ingredients cos aku tak berapa gemar makan sebab guna banyak sangat daun ( aku tak suka makan sayur – especially ulam). Yang aku tahu – pakai daun segala daun, termasuk daun betik dan gunakan kari ikan and balut dengan daun-daun tu dan kukus. Aku pernah tanya my Dad dulu – kenapa buruk benor nama dia bebotok. Then my Dad cerita : Di zaman dulu ada seorang nenek yang tinggal seorang diri. Everyday cucu dia akan datang bawak makanan. Nenek ini suka sangat pais ikan dengan bubur so dia suruh cucu ni bawak tetiap hari. Bila cucu tu bawak makanan lain, Nenek akan tanya “Mana Bubur Tok? “. Lama-lama Bubur Tok jadilah Bebotok – kesan dari cakap cepat-cepat. Itulah ceritanya. Aku kecik lagi masa my Dad cerita tu. So, kalau dia kelentong aku – maka kelentonglah cerita bebotok tu. Sekian adanya.
7. Pernah (or berangan nak) jadi Mat Rock. Aku rasa sebab kedudukan Johor dekat dengan Singapore, sebab itulah pengaruh Barat di Malaysia masuk melalui Johor dulu. Itu teori aku lah. But kalau ikutkan sejarah Johor, Sultan yang mula-mula kawin dengan Mat Salleh pun Sultan Johor (Almarhum). So, tak heranlah kalau kumpulan Rock kat Malaysia ini semua ada susur galur dari Johor. Amy, Zainal Abidin, Nash etc. Boleh pakai ke teori aku ni? Jangan aku kena pancung dengan Sultan, dah ler. Ampun Tuanku!
8. Kenduri Kawin Ada Telur Pindang.. Telur pindang ialah telur ayam yang direbus dengan segala macam rempah dan dedaun untuk mendapatkan that special taste. Lepas rebus, telur akan berwarna cokelat. Both kulit dan isi. I don’t like to eat telur pindang, so I cannot to describe the taste. Normally orang buat telur pindang ni for special occasion, seperti majlis perkahwinan. Zaman dulu-dulu, you can tell the social class of the tuan rumah – normally orang kaya-kaya jer buat telur pindang ni sebab ianya rumit dan makan masa berjam-jam therefore menggunakan kos yang tinggi.
9. Tidur atas LECA** (rhyme with letak and baca, the non-baku way). Baju simpan dalam GEROBOK **.
10. They never watch RTM sebab semua cerita dah tengok kat TV Singapore n indonesia!!! When I was growing up, aku cukup suka tengok TV Singapore sebab iklan dia semua dari overseas, very menarik. Besides the cerita yang terkinilah. Yang aku suka ialah iklan jeans Levi’s ( Let your love flow), iklan lagu Coke ( I’d like to build the world a home), iklan Kodak (Times of Your Life -Paul Anka ). Paling syok ialah masa Christmas, iklan dan lagu semua best-best. (But itu dulu, sekarang aku rasa semua rancangan sudah semasa.) Well, TV Singapore cuma dapat ditengok oleh penduduk JB dan kawasan yang sewaktu dengannya. As you go further up north (of Johor), you can see aerial TV semua setinggi pokok kelapa – semata-mata nak dapatkan siaran from Singapore n indonesia!…
Kamus Johor :
Saing - pergi bersama2..”nnt kite saing ehh pi sekolah”
Bongok – bodoh Bigor – gila-gila, contoh :- Apek Senario tu macam budak BIGOR ekk ? Endut – makwe/pakwe. Awek/balak. Boifren/girlfren. Boleh digunakan tanpa mengira jantina.
Berendut - berpasangan. Pergi berendut- dating.
Botok-botok, bebotok – sejenis makanan menggunakan ikan, ditambah memacam dedaun, letak serbuk kari (don’t ask me – aku tak reti buat) dan dibalut dengan daun betik, diikat dengan sebelum dikukus. Alah, macam Pais Ikan tuh.
Leca - tilam. Normally dibuat sendiri menggunakan kekabu (orang zaman dulu-dulu semua DIY – tak ada Vono, Slumberland ).
Gerobok, Gobok -Almari. Tak kiralah simpan kain baju ke, simpan pinggan mangkok ke. Sajak sesuai @ tidak -bkn puisi tau!!…cm nih ayat die..’sajak x beg nih pki ngn bju ni??”
roti perata – roti canai
semangka -tembikai
epok2 -karipap
P/S: sape2 yg nak jdi org johor 2 kne bc ni dlu,kang heng tbe2 t,hahaha...ulor besor bawoh pasor....
Tersesat malu bertanya
Tak tahu tak tahu ke mana
Terlalu banyak alasannya
Duk terdiam
Menyusur di kaki lima
Terlihat bayang wajah kelmarin
Tersentuh hati bagai luruh
Tanya sama pokok apa sebab goyang
Jawab angin yang goncang
Terbang burung terbang
Patah sayap diduga
Seandainya rebah
Kau masih ada
Terlalu mahu dan mahu
Terlupa apa yang perlu
Terlalu banyak alasannya
Duduk terdiam
Tak mudah namun tak susah
Terserah atas pilihan
Tersentuh hati mula luruh
Tanya sama pokok apa sebab goyang
Jawab angin yang goncang
Terbang burung terbang
Patah sayap diduga
Seandainya rebah
Kau masih ada
Kau masih ada
Kau masih ada
Kau masih ada
Kau masih ada
Terlalu mahu dan mahu
Terlupa apa yang perlu
Terlalu banyak alasannya
Duduk terdiam
Tak mudah namun tak susah
Terserah atas pilihan
Tersentuh hati mula luruh
Tanya sama pokok
Bpe ari da xdpt nak mgupdate ini belog pun haduiiinye…..Alhamdulillah ternet da brnyawa cm bise, ;D
Xdpt nk tidoq lak mlm2 eh! Silap! Pg2 bute nie. T pk8 nk ride to wang kelian, huhu…. Usha belog Ben Ashaari jp mst de nda2 best kt entri dye, alang2 da bc join da club la,hehe….
Jom join ini club rame2…. xshh la,kelik je gmbaq abe Ben atas nih ;D
There's a fire starting in my heart,
Reaching a fever pitch and it's bringing me out the dark,
Finally, I can see you crystal clear,
Go ahead and sell me out and a I'll lay your ship bare,
See how I'll leave with every piece of you,
Don't underestimate the things that I will do,
There's a fire starting in my heart,
Reaching a fever pitch and it's bring me out the dark,
The scars of your love remind me of us,
They keep me thinking that we almost had it all,
The scars of your love, they leave me breathless,
I can't help feeling,
We could have had it all,
Rolling in the deep,
You had my heart inside your hand,
And you played it to the beat,
Baby, I have no story to be told,
But I've heard one on you and I'm gonna make your head burn,
Think of me in the depths of your despair,
Make a home down there as mine sure won't be shared,
The scars of your love remind me of us,
They keep me thinking that we almost had it all,
The scars of your love, they leave me breathless,
I can't help feeling,
We could have had it all,
Rolling in the deep,
You had my heart inside your hand,
And you played it to the beat,
Throw your soul through every open door,
Count your blessings to find what you look for,
Turn my sorrow into treasured gold,
You'll pay me back in kind and reap just what you've sown,
We could have had it all,
We could have had it all,
It all, it all, it all,
We could have had it all,
Rolling in the deep,
You had my heart inside your hand,
And you played it to the beat,
Could have had it all,
Rolling in the deep,
You had my heart inside your hand,
But you played it,
You played it,
You played it,
You played it to the beat.
Assalamualaikum sumer….
Aq xtw nk ckap pe bile budak2 bodoh dah makin pandai skrung nih… wat cmni macho kot… tapi tgk la pe jadi ngn kemachoan eh! Silap! Kebodohan mereka ni…
Bila budak2 pandai melihat aksi budak2 bodoh mereka berkata:
“think before u acting!”
Pe jadi minggu ni kt Malaysia erk??? Perghhh!!! Hehe…ni update dr entri Operasi Malaysia aq yg lpas. Berita trgempar kt Asia tis week ialah Anonymous(hacker yg popular 2) cam yg kite taw dah mnjadikan negara kite ni, Malaysia sasaran baru diorg nak wt kje2 mengehack ni. Cam yg kite taw gak dr brite2 kat tv,paper n blog2,SKMM (Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia la) dah kuarkan notis kpd sume ISP di negara Asia Tenggara ni utk menyekat 10 domain yg de kaitan ngan pelanggaran hak cipta (web2 site yg leh kite download n share2 mvie n pe2 je la ikut suke 2).
10 domain sites trsebut ialah:
Malaysia’s Communications and Multimedia Commission said that 51 websites in the .gov.my domain were attacked beginning late Wednesday, and that 41 of the sites suffered various levels of disruption.
The MCMC, the country’s Internet and telecommunications regulator, did not however provide information on the nature of the attacks, or the people behind it, describing them only as “unknown hackers”.
However, it made references to some of the websites recovering quickly, suggesting that these sites faced a DDoS or distributed denial-of-service attack rather than a hack.
DDoS attacks can make a website inaccessible to users by swamping the website with traffic from hundreds or thousands of computers.
Such attacks are a known tactic of Anonymous, a hacker group that had threatened to attack Malaysia.
Cam yg aq dnga dr mata aq ni, ermm…yelah, aq baca sbab 2 dnga ngn mata,hehehe…byk vrsion la psal serangan hacker kt Malaysia ni. Pe2 pun kite tgu je official news dr kerajaan Malaysia (tapi xsumer brite sal nda ni kt brite utama ke, brite jam 8 ke leh dprcayai). sbab nda ni de kaitan ngn kselamatan negara so diorg (Malaysia govrment) xleh la ddahkan byk info sal nda ni. So try la rjin2 tny ngn untie n uncle google. Cam kt brite pk8 td la, hmm...2 je ke britenye...xckup 2 rkyat Malaysia ni nk taw,huhuhu...
The MCMC had noticed a reduction in the levels of attack by 4 a.m. local time Thursday, it said. The attacks had little effect on Malaysian users, and most of the websites have already recovered, it said.
“We do not expect the overall recovery to these websites to take long,” it said.
“The public is advised to report any information they may have regarding the identity of these hackers as the act to disrupt network services is a serious offence,” it said.
Anonymous has used various online forums to threaten Malaysia with an attack in protest against the government’s decision to block 10 websites that reportedly allowed the download of pirated content. Earlier this week, Anonymous invited people to join Operation Malaysia, targeting a government website from 7.30 p.m. GMT on Wednesday (3.30 a.m. Thursday, local time).
Yg agak mnariknyer la kn, kt official Anonymous Twitter and Blog xde la plak sebut sal Malaysia, cume Turki, Sepanyol dan rizab Persekutuan jew. hopefully, pas fenomena Anonymous nih, sdikit sbnyk kn memaksa kerajaan Malaysia utk utk update skit tahap security web2 pnting kt Malaysia ni n pastikan sume agensi kerajaan update gak security web sesawang diorg 2. Byk la web2 ni still gunakan vrsi lama CMS platform cam Joomla n Drupal. Jgn dah kene bru nk klam kabut, jgn dah kene sibuk nk cari salah org len. tapi 2 la yg bise brlaku.
Sbut sal nda ni tringat aq kat tmpat asl diriku ni. Aq tgk kt sne, kt cc pat aq, hallaaamakkk…x up 2 date lgsung. Cm msuk kt cc 5,6 thn lpas. Ksian aq kt dak2 sek, dak2 yg xde kmdahan kmputer n intrnet kt uma, dak2 yg bru nk knal tntg ape itu kmputer, ape itu word, ape itu intrnet. Hope pas ni de la prubahan sal tknlogi2 trbaru dunia cyber kt pat aq 2. InsyaAllah jika ade kmahuan nk majukan bangsa n anak2 muda kt tmpat sndiri xmustahil yer x?? ^_^ pnjag lak entri xni. Stop sini dlu la yer, kap khoon khap/ka… (^_^)
~Hack to Learn, not Learn to Hack~
Sweet little words made for silence not talk
Young heart for love not heartache
Dark hair for catching the wind
Not to veil the sight of a cold world
Kiss while your lips are still red
While he's still silent
Rest while bosom is still untouched, unveiled
Hold another hand while the hand's still without a tool
Drown into eyes while they're still blind
Love while the night still hides the withering dawn
First day of love never comes back
A passionate hour's never a wasted one
The violin, the poet's hand
Every thawing heart plays your theme with care
Kiss while your lips are still red
While he's still silent
Rest while bosom is still untouched, unveiled
Hold another hand while the hand's still without a tool
Drown into eyes while they're still blind
Love while the night still hides the withering dawn
Kiss while your lips are still red
While he's still silent
Rest while bosom is still untouched, unveiled
Hold another hand while the hand's still without a tool
Drown into eyes while they're still blind
Love while the night still hides the withering dawn
Rini kite ckap thai sikit2 na…mklumlah nk blik siam mlm nie…eh! Slap! Blik perelis,huhuhu… tringat lak kt Arun n Arish…nnt jumpe aja ckgu bhsa thai g na… ;D
De 1 video aq jmpe sal kisah budak2 kampung nelayan kt Panyee Thailand… ini cerita camna diorg berusaha nak jadi champion football club kt sane…kmpung diorg 100% atas air,cmner diorg nak men bola atas air?? jom lyan video ni sat… (^-^)
Panyee FC short film
Panyee Football Club
“Klu kita berusaha, tiada apa yg mustahil utk dicapai…”
Kap Khoon krap/Ka....;D
P/S: awek2 siam cun2 woo...
Thanx 2 Mr. Bujang coz bw to my belog ni. Aq pun ngan spantas clark kent trbang blik bw ke belog beliau. Npk segmen En. Bujang+Cik Sakura ni xpsal2 ati kejam tapi penyayang aq ni yg nga sdih mlm2 ni trsenyum. Sebab tibe2 aq tringat blik peristiwa kcik2 dulu..hehe…segmen ni anjuran brsame Miss Sakura. Jom join segmen cam len dari yg len nih, ;D
Rukun Islam confirm ada 5 perkara;
1~>mengucap dua kalimah syahadah
2~>menunaikan solat lima waktu sehari semalam
3~>berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan
4~>menunaikan zakat
5~>mengerjakan haji bagi yang berkemampuan
Rukun Iman confirm ada 6 perkara;
1~>beriman kepada Allah S.W.T.
2~>beriman kepada malaikat-malaikat
3~>beriman kepada kitab-kitab
4~>beriman kepada rasul-rasul
5~>beriman kepada hari akhirat
6~>beriman kepada qada' dan qadar
Sape confirm dye beragama Islam 2 klu xdpt ingt hallaamaakkk…skrung gak sila hafal yer n sematkan dlam ati 2 slagi hayat dkandung badan, ;D
Ape?? Peristiwa aq kecik2 dulu?? Hehe..
Dulu mse mule2 blaja solat Subuh kt sek agama, 2 la 1st time n insyaAllah last time aq wt solat Subuh 4rakaat,huhuhu…
Aq start pose pnuh lpas mak aq ckap klu xpose pnuh xdpt wit ghayer. N ase malu klu adik2 aq dpt pose pnuh aq lak x. rekod 2 kkal smpi la thn 2009,huhu…sbb thun lpas kntoi 1ari,sob3..ruginyer…
2 peristiwa ni la yg aq tibe2 tringat n wt aq trsnyum sipu ble trbaca sgmen ni tadi,hehe…
jgn lupe join segmen nih, ("(^_^)")
saper aq nk tag erk, ha! secara autoriti eh! slap! automaticnye, korg yg baca entri ni tlah di tag. nmpak x?? xnpk mknenyer korg ......................... ;D