Pe jadi minggu ni kt Malaysia erk??? Perghhh!!! Hehe…ni update dr entri Operasi Malaysia aq yg lpas. Berita trgempar kt Asia tis week ialah Anonymous(hacker yg popular 2) cam yg kite taw dah mnjadikan negara kite ni, Malaysia sasaran baru diorg nak wt kje2 mengehack ni. Cam yg kite taw gak dr brite2 kat tv,paper n blog2,SKMM (Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia la) dah kuarkan notis kpd sume ISP di negara Asia Tenggara ni utk menyekat 10 domain yg de kaitan ngan pelanggaran hak cipta (web2 site yg leh kite download n share2 mvie n pe2 je la ikut suke 2).

10 domain sites trsebut ialah:
Malaysia’s Communications and Multimedia Commission said that 51 websites in the domain were attacked beginning late Wednesday, and that 41 of the sites suffered various levels of disruption.
The MCMC, the country’s Internet and telecommunications regulator, did not however provide information on the nature of the attacks, or the people behind it, describing them only as “unknown hackers”.
However, it made references to some of the websites recovering quickly, suggesting that these sites faced a DDoS or distributed denial-of-service attack rather than a hack.
DDoS attacks can make a website inaccessible to users by swamping the website with traffic from hundreds or thousands of computers.
Such attacks are a known tactic of Anonymous, a hacker group that had threatened to attack Malaysia.
Cam yg aq dnga dr mata aq ni, ermm…yelah, aq baca sbab 2 dnga ngn mata,hehehe…byk vrsion la psal serangan hacker kt Malaysia ni. Pe2 pun kite tgu je official news dr kerajaan Malaysia (tapi xsumer brite sal nda ni kt brite utama ke, brite jam 8 ke leh dprcayai). sbab nda ni de kaitan ngn kselamatan negara so diorg (Malaysia govrment) xleh la ddahkan byk info sal nda ni. So try la rjin2 tny ngn untie n uncle google. Cam kt brite pk8 td la, hmm...2 je ke britenye...xckup 2 rkyat Malaysia ni nk taw,huhuhu...
The MCMC had noticed a reduction in the levels of attack by 4 a.m. local time Thursday, it said. The attacks had little effect on Malaysian users, and most of the websites have already recovered, it said.
“We do not expect the overall recovery to these websites to take long,” it said.
“The public is advised to report any information they may have regarding the identity of these hackers as the act to disrupt network services is a serious offence,” it said.
Anonymous has used various online forums to threaten Malaysia with an attack in protest against the government’s decision to block 10 websites that reportedly allowed the download of pirated content. Earlier this week, Anonymous invited people to join Operation Malaysia, targeting a government website from 7.30 p.m. GMT on Wednesday (3.30 a.m. Thursday, local time).
Yg agak mnariknyer la kn, kt official Anonymous Twitter and Blog xde la plak sebut sal Malaysia, cume Turki, Sepanyol dan rizab Persekutuan jew. hopefully, pas fenomena Anonymous nih, sdikit sbnyk kn memaksa kerajaan Malaysia utk utk update skit tahap security web2 pnting kt Malaysia ni n pastikan sume agensi kerajaan update gak security web sesawang diorg 2. Byk la web2 ni still gunakan vrsi lama CMS platform cam Joomla n Drupal. Jgn dah kene bru nk klam kabut, jgn dah kene sibuk nk cari salah org len. tapi 2 la yg bise brlaku.

Sbut sal nda ni tringat aq kat tmpat asl diriku ni. Aq tgk kt sne, kt cc pat aq, hallaaamakkk…x up 2 date lgsung. Cm msuk kt cc 5,6 thn lpas. Ksian aq kt dak2 sek, dak2 yg xde kmdahan kmputer n intrnet kt uma, dak2 yg bru nk knal tntg ape itu kmputer, ape itu word, ape itu intrnet. Hope pas ni de la prubahan sal tknlogi2 trbaru dunia cyber kt pat aq 2. InsyaAllah jika ade kmahuan nk majukan bangsa n anak2 muda kt tmpat sndiri xmustahil yer x?? ^_^ pnjag lak entri xni. Stop sini dlu la yer, kap khoon khap/ka… (^_^)
~Hack to Learn, not Learn to Hack~
i fell in love wif malaysia hacker..
tp bgus juga diorang hack sbb nmpk la gov kter pnye sekuriti xbagus..
pasni jd pengjaran kat diorang tok wat sekuriti yang ketat gila..
hahahaha....taw xpe, tp bhy gak gov nye web kne hack, bia jd pngajran bia gov updte system scrity dye skit, =P